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Three Benefits of Collaboration in Reentry

Apr 10, 2024

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean – Ryunosuke Satoro

Collaboration is fundamental to the success of most big projects. This is true in reentry as much as it is in any other field with important goals and complex pieces.

Here are three benefits of collaboration in reentry:

1. Problem solving: Working with people who have different areas of expertise and perspectives often results in better ideas and outcomes. A solution you are not seeing could come from another organization approaching it from a different angle.

2. Knowledge sharing and best practices: Through collaboration, you are able to share what you have learned over the time you have invested in the field. Through gathering and sharing that knowledge, as well as developing and validating best practices, collaborators will build resources to better achieve their goals.

3. Innovation: Collaboration provides an opportunity to focus on new and emerging knowledge. Bringing organizations together can not only provide a venue to identify areas of innovation but also to quickly disseminate new ideas and resources.
