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By the Field

For the Field

About NRWC

NRWC was started by a group of workforce professionals representing national workforce reentry organizations. The group initially gathered in 2018 to troubleshoot challenges with implementing reentry workforce grants, and soon realized the impact we could have through sharing and coordinating resources.

NRWC was created to answer four key questions:

What are the common challenges reentry workforce practitioners face?

What could happen if we created a space to learn from each other about what really works in our communities?

What impact could we have if we serve as a feedback loop and provide this information to decision makers to shape practice and policies, allocate resources, and innovate solutions?

What could happen if practices, policies, and solutions were aligned with the assets and needs of our communities?

As we continued to meet, we discovered that we were all dealing with similar challenges, but there was always an organization in our meetings that were ahead in one way, but behind in other ways. It became clear to us that the challenges and solutions were in the room.

From the first time we gathered in 2018, the synergy in the room was unbelievable. I was amazed that everyone was willing to pay their own way, buy their own food, and give of their time to find a way to work together. I had no clue that this effort would evolve into an independent organization.

We simply wanted to help each other.

– Jason Whyte, Founder, President & CEO

Our Mission

We are committed to supporting organizations that are promoting opportunities for justice-impacted job seekers in the workforce.



Since 2018, NRWC has grown considerably and organically. In 2024, we engaged providers from all regions in the country, and across all segments of the reentry workforce ecosystem.


Employer Engagement Training

75 practitioners from 54 organizations have participated in an Employer Engagement Training.

Reentry Specialist Certification

258 have completed the self-paced course

Thought Leadership Webinar

632 attended an NRWC webinar in 2024.

2024 NRWC Conference

417 individuals attended from all segments of the field


Our growing network spans across 176 cities in 43 states


Our members include representatives from across the national reentry workforce ecosystem, including large and small non-profit organizations; federal, state, and local government agencies, employers, and academics.

95% of attendees leave our conference, eager to delve deeper and contribute more to the reentry field


Our Team

Jason Whyte

Founder, President & CEO

Kimberly Crowe

Operations Manager

Michael Jackiewicz

Director of Regional Initiatives

Ana Hageage

Senior Advisor

Virginia Shapland

Conference Program Manager

Stephanie Thompson


Candela Gomez

Conference Event Planner


Our Board of Directors

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Richard Morales

Executive Director, Latino Coalition for Community Leadership
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Paul Schulz

Principal, Schulz Consulting

Michelle Mitchell

Senior Advisor, Tides Center

Dean Williams

Independent Consultant, Corrections Expert

Jason Whyte

Founder, President & CEO, National Reentry Workforce Collaborative

Ken Oliver

Chief Innovation Officer, The Just Trust

Surabhi Jain

Chief Catalyst, Surahbi Jain Consulting