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Advancing Fair
Chances Together

We equip providers to share and learn from each other. Together, we build a stronger reentry workforce field—driving economic mobility for justice-impacted job seekers.

Why We Exist

One in three

adult Americans has a criminal record (77 million)

Over 600,000

individuals return from state and federal prisons each year

Over 40,000

collateral consequences limit access to employment

Justice Impacted Job Seekers Lack Upward Economic Mobility

An estimated 60% of formerly incarcerated individuals are jobless. Median earnings for those working are just above $10,000 annually.


The National Response is Fragmented

Good results are happening in pockets of the field, but reentry workforce providers lack resources and must navigate inefficiencies and gaps in service delivery.


Reentry workforce organizations need the right tools, skills, and supports to deliver efective training programs and address the multitude of barriers formerly incarcerated individuals face.

Who We Are

We Serve The People Who Serve The People

National Reentry Workforce Collaborative (NRWC) was created to support a network of organizations working to increase opportunities for justice-impacted job seekers. We use a community of practice model that brings together reentry workforce stakeholders and equips them with resources to support justice-impacted job seekers to successfully reintegrate into their communities

Our Approach


NRWC is committed to building a community of practice for providers to connect, share ideas, and take collective action to advance the field of reentry workforce.


As the community grows, we work collaboratively to elevate best practices and develop resources that close gaps, and establish standards in the field.


We leverage the field building resources to increase the knowledge and skills of providers and provide the resources they need to implement evidence-informed programs and make informed decisions.

What the Field is Saying

93% of participants

feel very inspired by their peers in NRWC workgroups

Jeffrey Korzenik

“NRWC brings together all sides of the fair chance hiring equation (community groups, businesses & government). They foster best practices among community groups and make them understand the needs of the business community.”
Economist & Author, Untapped Talent

Genevieve Rimer

“Personally, NRWC has given me hope that there is a group of people who are coming together to help people like me. Professionally, it has helped me take what I learned working with employers and help other practitioners.”
Senior Director, Inclusive Hiring, Center for Employment Opportunities

Dr. William Arnold

“We had 100 people in our network take the NRWC Reentry Specialists certification. This strengthened and magnified the work that we are doing, because now we have people who can say ‘I am a specialist in this work’.”
Director, Tennessee Office of Reentry, TN Department of Labor & Workforce Development

Cory Miskell

“This is a bit of an emerging field with folks who are doing great work across the country. The ability to connect with them and collaborate is what I find valuable about NRWC.”
Deputy Executive Director, Latino Coalition of Community Leadership

Dennis Ritchie

“NRWC has brought unity to organizations and centralization of real-time data that positively impacts reentry programming and service providers across the country. By championing reentry in this manner it has helped build a national voice that is powerful and informed in support of justice-involved individuals.”
Senior Director of Reentry, Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc.

